Backstage Drama

I got this client from a classmate who remembered I was really into web and every project I made was either a website or used on a website :) So she recommended me for a project that the place she was interning at had wanted to build.
I was supposed to just be the project manager and relay information to the team they hired to build it but they got started 3 days before it was supposed to launch so I put together a site in 3 days to have something to launch with.
Half way through the project they find out the Team they hired cannot deliver the full site they were expecting so I pointed them to a designer & developer I talk to who is Doug Hardester. As of now he's working on their full site using WordPress and some e-commerce subscription management plugins. Due to my class schedule being only studio classes this semester, I just don't have the time for a project of that scale plus Doug had experience with sites like that.